SSA – Solar System Ambassador

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Build a Rocket habitat
K - 12

VT SSA group at UVM

Vermont Solar System Ambassadors
College visit

As a Solar System Ambassador I would like to offer a presentation to any group interested in a curated view of the aspects of space exploration that most interests or concerns them.

Email me at SSACynthiaShelton AT gmail DOT com to request a free space-presentation or age-appropriate activity for your group.

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Close up of Asteroid Dimorphos
just before impact


Europa and Clipper model hanging in the Latham Library in Thetford, VT.
Poetry Challenge - All ages


Presentations available on topics such as:

NASA Spinoffs - Tools created for space and used on Earth

Earth Weather from Space

Rocket Launches - Past and Present

Extremophiles in Space and on Earth

Careers in Space

Amazing Women in the aerospace field


Design a Universe Pizza Slice

Eclipse line up

Solar Eclipse 2024